Wigton's Co 1814


Camp Dupont, 11-13-1814
Co of the 18th Section of Riflemen, commanded by Col Thomas Humphrey.....
Lieutenants;           Hugh Daniel, Jospeh M Hollis,
Sergeants,           David Trueman, William Clingan, Thomas Hollis, David
Corporals;          John Pierson, John Rankin, Ezekiel Mann, Joshua Humphrey
Bugler;              Robert Hope

Wilson, John
Parke, Wm
Davis, Thomas
Fleming, Joseph
Haslet, James
Cochran, Robert
Mann, Samuel
Grier, John E
Witherow, Wm
Welsh, Wm
Mann, Eli
Whitelock, James
Wallace, Arthur
Cunningham, Robert
Stott, Jesse
Cochran, David
Harry, Benajah
Hope, Heslip
Parke, David
Moore, David
Wilson, Boyd
Cowan, Jacob
Davis, Nathaniel
McGinnis, Wm
McKim, David
Jones, Richard
Bryan, John
Smith, Joseph
Eifort, Charles
Parke, John
Richmond, Josepoh
Scott, Thomas
Hoover, John
Date, George
Hanley, James
Gibson, Samuel
McWilliams, Robert
Little, Patrick
Lesly, John
Way, Jacob
Hayburn, Wm
Thompson, Jacob
Gibson, Andrew
Moore, Eli'
Fleming, John S
Ogelsby, Jonah

(George W. Baldwin also voted with the above company)